Get Up and Make Your Own Bed

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Acts 9:34 NASB translation - “Peter said to him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you, get up and make your own bed”. And immediately he got up”. I can’t get enough of this scripture, it’s amazing and truly insightful. I just love what Peter said to Aeneas, “Jesus Christ heals you now get up and make your own bed”.

Think about it, Aeneas was paralyzed for eight years. That meant that his bed had become his world, he never left that bed never went anywhere, and never could do anything. And now suddenly Peter comes along and says something powerful, “Jesus Christ heals you”.

Now, we know that Jesus is the Healer, but Peter makes it clear where the power to heal is, in the name of Jesus! But then he tells Aeneas to do something. There was an action associated with his miraculous healing…to roll up his mat. Why? Because he’s been made whole, he’s not going back to that old life, AND from now on, he can make his own bed.

Healing, health, and wholeness allows you to move forward and live a productive, vibrant, purposeful life. That’s what Jesus did for you; HE changes everything in one moment. Peter never even touched Aeneas, he just said “Jesus Christ heals you”. So, no matter what you’ve been through, no matter how long it’s been, today is your day to arise and get up because Jesus Christ heals you!