The Charis Bible College Journey Continues
2019-2020 - Pastor Joe continues his Charis journey by serving as an intern at the Ann Arbor, Michigan Charis Campus. He has the privilege of working with seasoned Charis Directors, Tom and Charlene Heinig from October, 2019 until May, 2020. He plans to absorb all that he can regarding the operation of a Charis Bible College, AND be a blessing to the students. Charis Ann Arbor offers First Year, Second Year and Hybrid Courses on a Part Time of Full Time basis. He is blessed and honored to be on this journey and at his next “place called there” in Ann Arbor.
October Welcome
January Update
November update
February/ March Update: Pastor Joe is thoroughly enjoying his internship in Ann Arbor. His duties continue to increase in value and impact as he ministers to the students, helps behind the scenes, and assists Tom, Charlene and the rest of the Charis staff. During the extended Spring Break he is back at his church in New Jersey and will be returning to Ann Arbor in April after Resurrection Sunday.
December Update
Final Charis Bible College Internship Update