In this message, you will hear how God uses the Asses (donkeys) in your life, the seemingly insignificant things to get you exactly where HE wants you to be for HIS perfect will to come to pass for your life! 


Is there something in your life that you feel is dead, and you have no hope? Then this message is for you!

Listen to this powerful message as Pastor Joe teaches that the Word of God is the scent of water that will bring those dead situations back to life.


Wisdom is grace, prioritizing, and correctly applying knowledge to the greater common good. It is also the ability to know what to do and what principles to use in a situation that will produce life, good fruit, and leave you better off.

We all need wisdom in our lives. Listen to Pastor Joe’s teaching and learn how to access the wisdom you already have in your spirit.


In Matthew 3:17, the Bible tells us that when Jesus came out of the water after being baptized, a voice came from heaven saying, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” The Father is well pleased with us; nothing we could do would exhaust that love as we are His beloved, too.

Listen to this inspiring message from Pastor Joe and learn how much the Father loves you.


All the promises of God are yes, but we must proclaim the Amen. We need to align what we say with what we are praying for. Listen to this dynamic message and learn how to change your life when you use your words properly by speaking to those things you want to be changed.  


Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware of the faith they have. With faith, we can call things that are not as though they were. Luke 17:6 says: “And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.” This is a prime example of faith being your servant. Listen to this powerful teaching from Pastor Joe as he teaches you how to make faith your servant.


In this powerful message, Pastor Joe teaches us what living under grace or the law looks like. Learn the difference and how the Lord died for us so we can always live under grace.  


2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed dividing the word of truth. This tells us that we have God’s approval, so we do not have to be ashamed, and we can stop condemning ourselves because Jesus took the punishment for our sins. In this message, you will learn what living life on this side of the cross looks like. 


It is possible to be born again and get to heaven but not receive the benefits of our salvation. Learn how Jesus’ death and resurrection changed everything and how to live an abundant life.


Do you know that Jesus loves you unconditionally? You are the beloved son or daughter in whom He is well pleased. Listen to this encouraging message to receive the revelation on how much you are loved and learn the five favors of God’s perfect love.  


In the teaching “A Supernatural Wealth Transfer is Coming,” Pastor Joe explains that an immense amount of money will be needed to preach the gospel, and the wealth of the wicked will be transferred to the righteous. That wealth will also be used to leave an inheritance to our children, as Proverbs 13:22 NIV says, “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.

Listen to this powerful teaching to discover how you can be part of this supernatural wealth transfer.


Isaiah 43:19 declares: “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” 

Listen to this encouraging and powerful message from Pastor Joe as he teaches about the new thing the Lord is doing in 2024. It will be a time of promotion, open doors, opportunities, and breakthrough. Learn what our part is in this new season.


Luke 1:28 KJV says: “And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

God highly favored Mary, and so are we when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Favor is not something we can earn. It is a gift. The benefits of favor are
Preferential treatment
It gives us extraordinary advantages.
God will warn us about situations or people that could destroy our lives.

This Christmas message will teach you about God’s favor and how to receive it.


Imagination is the ability to see good or bad as to what has not happened yet. All things are conceived through our imagination. In this teaching, Pastor Joe will instruct you how to use your imagination the correct way so you can paint the picture of your future. 


Is your happiness based on your present circumstances? Does you happiness change on a consistent basis? Is everything in your life the way you want it to be? These are some of the key points that Pastor Joe covers in this series according the book of Philippians and Paul’s extensive teaching on the Christian’s definition of joy. Enjoy!


We all want to receive the blessing that the Lord has for us and our families. This teaching from Pastor Joe, “Jesus the Amen of Your Family Blessing,” will teach you how.  


There were two sisters, Mary, and Martha. Jesus came to visit them. Martha was frantic and stressed by anxiously serving Him. Mary on the other hand was sitting at Jesus feet and hanging on to His every word. Luke 10 tells us that Martha had an angry outburst and complained to Jesus asking Him, “Lord do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone.” Jesus told Martha that she was anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. He then told her that Mary had chosen the good portion which would not be taken away from her. When we choose the one needful thing, we have a life of abundance. Listen to this inspiring teaching from Pastor Joe to learn more.  


2 Timothy 1:5, Paul tells Timothy that he (Paul) remembers the unfeigned faith in him (Timothy) as it was first in his grandmother Lois and his mother, Eunice. Paul then tells Timothy to stir up the gift of God that is in Him. If the gift is not stirred, it will be lost. The secret to Timothy’s success was being saturated in God’s Word. You will learn how to apply Timothy’s secret in this informative teaching.


1 John 4:17 says, “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world.” God does not look at or judge us based on our performance. Instead of judgment, God looks at Jesus, which is how He sees us. Therefore, we need not fear judgment, as our sins have been judged at the cross. Listening to Pastor Joe’s message will help you live in freedom, and you will understand how God sees you and recognize as Jesus is, so are we.  


You may think those with a hardened heart are those in terrible sin and even God-haters. This is not the case. You can be sensitive to God in one area of your life and insensitive (hardened heart) in another. Learn to know the difference and how to overcome a hardened heart.   


What are the odds that there is no God? Do you want to take that chance? But, on the other hand, if there is the slightest possibility that there is a God, don’t you want to be ready to meet Him?

Listen to this compelling message as Rev. Greg teaches us four Biblical truths that will prepare anyone to meet their Maker.


There are many battles that we will face in life, but the Lord wants us in a place of rest. When we are in a place of rest, we are in a place of faith. We are also in a place of favor. The Lord will do our fighting for us. He did it for Moses in battle when he was fighting the Amalekites. He sat (rested) while Aaron and Hur held his hands up and the battle was won, Exodus 17: 10-13. Your battle can be bodily symptoms, that wayward child, finances, etc. During these battles we are not to stress and worry. We are to rest and trust the Lord knowing that the battle is His. Learn more by listening to this powerful message.


In the year of 2023, things that would normally happen in real time are going to happen in “supernatural time”. Like the first miracle that Jesus performed in John 2 when turning water into wine, things are going to take place at a much faster rate than humanly possible. In 2023, God is going to increase your capacity to get things done that He has called you to do, and increase your health to accomplish His will and plan for you. God is getting you ready for all that He has ready for you. Enjoy this powerful message and declare it over every area of your life.  


All our victories are voice activated. Voice activation is getting what is on the inside on the outside. That includes sickness. Since you are risen with Christ, death and sickness are behind you. What is on the other side is His grace and His glory. Pastor Joe teaches how to own you new identity in Christ.  


The virgin birth is the most powerful event of mankind. God used His Word as the sperm (seed) that conceived Jesus. God spoke Jesus into existence and the Word became flesh.

We can use the Word to speak miracles into existence into our lives. Pastor Joe teaches us how, in this Christmas message.


If there is a new and living way, there must have been an old and dying way. The old way was legalistic. It was about our performance and trying to please God. The new way is knowing we have God’s favor because of what He did for us on the cross. The new way allows us to live a life knowing that God loves us unconditionally and we are no longer under condemnation. In this teaching, Pastor Joe teaches us how to receive access into a new and living way.


Have you lost something through a poor decision, or had something stolen from you? Great news! God has promised 120% restoration. In today’s message, Pastor Joe breaks down this principle in God’s Word and shares how Jesus has become your restoration for all things.


3 John 2 KJV says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

The Lord wants us to prosper in every area of our lives, which also means financially. Therefore, we need to pray for that blessing so we can be a blessing to others.

So can we ask God to prosper us? Pastor Joe answers that question in this teaching.


Exodus 3:21 states, “And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty.”

The Egyptians saw that the Israelites had favor with God, and he wants the same for us. He wants the world to see we have presidential treatment and extraordinary advantages, and people will give us things without asking. Listen to this powerful message from Pastor Joe on “Financial Freedom.”


In Genesis, starting with verse 1:26, the first words God spoke were a blessing. God gave us dominion and authority over everything, such as sickness, depression, and poverty. He wants us to walk on a level we have never experienced before. Listen to Pastor Joe’s powerful message to learn how to walk in the irreversible blessing.


Abraham was a blessed man. When we become born again, we are also blessed. The blessing is the empowerment of success in every area of our life. Pastor Joe teaches us that even when we have challenges and are in the valley, Jesus is with us.


Acts 12: 1-11 tells us that even though the apostle Peter was in prison, and King Herod had many guards guarding him, God sent an angel to open the prison doors, his chains fell off, and Peter escaped. Discover how God can open doors for you and make way for your escape in every trial.


When you find God’s plan and purpose for your life there is nothing more satisfying or fulfilling. Every one of us has a calling from God but the calling is not enough. Listen to learn how to fulfill that plan and calling in this powerful teaching from Pastor Joe.


Promotion comes from the Lord. If you want to be promoted, it comes directly from our intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Discover that God does have a purposed for your life.


When you take a lamp and plug it into an electrical socket, the light goes on because it is the electrical socket that supplies the power from the electric company. The electric company provides that power, but you must plug it into the socket and flip a switch for the lamp to work. So likewise, the power source for your healing is the Word of God. Your part is to flip the switch by believing and receiving. Listen to this powerful message to learn more about receiving your healing.


Look at the prodigal son story in Luke 15: 11-32. He rebelled against his father by taking his inheritance, leaving his home, and squandering all his money. But, when he returned to his father, the father lavished him with love and kisses and celebrated by throwing him a party. Listen to this powerful message to know the kind of love Father God has for us. It is the love of the Father that transforms and changes our lives.


Hebrews 12:2 states: Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

We are to keep our eyes on Jesus. Look away from all the distractions such as the news, things that make you depressed, critical talk, etc. Listening to this message will equip you to do so.


In this message Pastor Joe, delves into the story about Hagar who is the mother of the law (works) and Sarah who is the mother of grace (resting). In this teaching you will learn how to live under peace, joy and freedom and to do away with striving, stress and anxiety.


2 Samuel 6 tells how King David took back the ark of God from the Philistines. The ark was placed on a cart. On the way, an oxen stumbled, and Uzzah put his hand on the ark to steady it. It was forbidden by the Lord to touch the ark and and Uzzah was struck dead. David was angry with the Lord and also afraid of Him because of what happened to Uzzah. So instead of moving the ark to the City of David, he took it to the house of Obed-Edom. Obed-Edom and his household were blessed in everything they did. All in the family were prosperous. When David heard how Obed-Edom was blessed because of the ark of God, he decided to bring the ark to the city of David. Listen to this inspirational message to learn how you can have the blessings of Obed-Edom.


Most people preach that everlasting life is in the future, but we can live that everlasting life right now once we are born again. John 10:10 states “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Listen to this life changing message as Pastor Joe, explains how we can live that abundant life now as everything God has for us is already ours.


In John 14:12 KJV, Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” So what are the works that Jesus did? He healed ALL who were sick, cast out demons, raised the dead, and set the captives free. Jesus says He gave us the same power to do the same thing, even greater things. He promised us this. We need to step out in faith and believe we have the same power and act on it.


Healing is a finished work. Jesus was flogged and took 39 stripes on His back. That took care of every sickness and every disease. So we no longer have to be sick or live in pain. In Matthew 8:2-3, a leper came to Jesus and said, “Lord, if you are willing, You can make me clean. “The Lord answered, “I am willing.” He is still willing and He already provided divine health in the atonement at the cross and we simply need to release it.


Philippians 1:6, “ Being confident of this that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Do you have dreams that the Lord has given you that have not come to completion? The Lord doesn’t start things in us that He will not complete. So this is the year of finishing grace, even if things looks impossible. This is a powerful message of hope and expectation. What an incredible year this is going to be!


In Ephesians 6:10, the Lord tells us we need to put on the full armor of God. But, do you know there is only one offensive weapon in all that armor? It is the sword of the Spirit. So, what exactly is the sword of the Spirt? It is the written word of God. So, in this timely message, Pastor Joe teaches by speaking the written word of God, we can defeat the schemes of the devil, live a healthy life, live in prosperity, and the time is now. This is living a life of victory and living in the favor of God.


In this teaching, Pastor Joe teaches us how important it is to be mindful of our words. Our words can either make us or break us. Jesus tells us in Mark 11:22-25, “Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.“ If we want the power of God operating in our lives, we must speak faith-filled words of life, hope and love.


This timely message from Pastor Joe addresses the mixture of law and grace in these current times. He also shares a word of prophecy about COVID-19 according to scripture. It's a message you do not want to miss.


The most important part of any building is its foundation. The same principle applies to your relationship with Christ. In this series, Pastor Joe shares basic truths that will help strengthen you and cause tremendous growth in all other areas of your walk with the Lord.

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The world is desperate to be receive acceptance from others through what they do, what they wear, what they know, and every other external means. But Ephesians 1:6 says that when we are born again we are immediately “accepted in the beloved”. God’s acceptance of us is not like the world, He doesn’t change from one day to the next. In fact, when we are at our worst, He expresses His love toward us even more.

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Romans 5:17 says, "For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ". In other words, you have been “kinged” to rule and reign on this earth through Christ. God needs us to take our rightful place and authority in His name to fulfill our call on this earth.

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Did you know that the Jesus healed people on the Sabbath Day more than any other day of the week?  The Pharisees couldn’t stand this, they missed the whole point!  They said, “You have six other days to work, don’t work on the Sabbath!”.  Jesus chose the Sabbath because that was the day of REST for the Jews.  He “worked” while the people rested.  Same goes for today.  Jesus paid for our healing on the cross, He worked so that we could rest in His finished work and simply RECEIVE our healing.  We don’t need to “work” for our healing, we simply need to receive it!

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What does righteousness mean? Simply put, it means right standing with God. All believers have right standing with God the instant they are born again. Not because we’ve earned it, but because Jesus made us righteous when He died for our sin on the cross. The purpose of this teaching is to help us understand the amazing and wonderful affect that our righteousness has on every area of our lives.

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Why did Jesus die on the cross? He was delivered up for our sin, past, present and future. But why did God raise Him from the dead? Great question AND the most important question of all! So that we would be made righteous: in right standing with God. Pastor Joe explains the meaning of righteousness and why it’s the key element to our salvation.

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When Jesus died on the cross for us, He died for our salvation, but it is so much more than that.  He also set us free from sickness. Because of what He has done for us we can live in divine health and die at a “good old age” when we decide, not the disease. Yes, we are going to age, but we do not have to die from sickness or disease.  Listen to this inspiring message to learn how Jesus healed us.

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God always has a purpose for the shaking that happens in our personal lives and in the body of Christ as a whole. It’s for a shifting. A shifting that gets us into position for what He has next. The shaking is most likely uncomfortable and even agitating, but this is what it takes to get us from one point to the next.

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In this timely message, Pastor Joe shares six characteristics about encounters with the Lord and with others who play a significant part in you fulfilling your purpose and destiny. These are events orchestrated by God for your benefit and for the benefit of others.

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In this powerful message, Pastor Joe shares the vision for 2021 that will help guide each of us in a powerful way this coming year. He explains the difference between change and transition, and the significance of the important things that happen during transition.

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When the angels said to the shepherds on the night that Jesus was born, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men…”, they were declaring that there would no longer be separation between God and man. God would pour out all His wrath on Jesus at the cross, and forgive mankind for all sin, guilt, and condemnation.

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Who is your faith in? Your ability or God’s ability? According to Matthew 9:28, Jesus asked two blind me, “Do you believe that I am able” to heal you? He wasn’t asking if they had faith in themselves, He was asking if they had faith in Him to heal them. There’s a huge difference! All throughout scripture we are posed with the question from God, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

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Healing today is the same as centuries ago, it brings glory and praise to God. In this message, Pastor Joe shares various scriptures of Jesus healing people with all kinds of illnesses and diseases in the Bible, and how YOU can do the same in His name. You will learn how God uses you to heal the sick based on who you are in the spirit, not according to who you think you are in the flesh. In your spirit, you are perfect, just as Jesus is. He has given you power to heal ALL manner of sickness.

Listen Now

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Have any tense relationships in your life? Community? Marriage? All of us do from time to time. But how do you handle it? Or does it handle you? In this message, Pastor Joe takes us through the scriptures to learn HOW to conquer strife, and most importantly WHY we should keep this enemy from stealing our relationships, joy, rest, and purpose.

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Healing today is the same as centuries ago, it brings glory and praise to God. In this message, Pastor Joe shares various scriptures of Jesus healing people with all kinds of illnesses and diseases in the Bible, and how YOU can do the same in His name. You will learn how God uses you to heal the sick based on who you are in the spirit, not according to who you think you are in the flesh. In your spirit, you are perfect, just as Jesus is. He has given you power to heal ALL manner of sickness.

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Audio Block
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What is Bible hope? What hope do we have in our everyday lives? How do you we use our imaginations to see what we are hoping for? What does the Bible say about “generational curses”? Will the church be on earth during the “Great Tribulation”? If not, what will it be like on earth without the presence of believers and the power of their prayer and authority on this earth? Are we seeing “last days” activity on the earth now? Great questions. Pastor Joe shares some great insight into the scriptural definition and application of the hope we have in Christ.

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"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" John 14:27. In this verse, Jesus gave us the anecdote for every challenging and adverse circumstance in life. No matter what is going on around us, we make a choice to either allow or hearts to be troubled or receive the peace that Jesus provided at the cross. This message will get you started enjoying a "lifestyle" of peace.

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In all that you do in 2020, Proverbs 4 says that wisdom must be the “principle thing”, your highest priority, if you want to succeed. Why bother with trial and error when Jesus was made wisdom for you (1 Corinthians 1:30)? Enjoy this message as Pastor Joe shows you how to tap into that wisdom and make 2020 your most successful and prosperous year in every way.

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In this series, Pastor Joe uncovers scriptural truth regarding a more effective way to pray and how to get the results you are believing for. He also tackles issues regarding spiritual warfare, intercession, and long standing traditions in prayer. You may be surprised by what you hear, and at the same time refreshed and relieved at the simplicity of true Bible prayer.

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In this Christmas message, Pastor Joe shares about the influence that the presence of God has on you, others around you, AND everything you touch. When God came to the world through Jesus, He never left. Today He resides in every believer and through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

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Enjoy this simple and relevant message on the power of giving thanks, and living a thankful life. Through Christ, we have so much to be thankful for, even during the most challenging times.

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What did Jesus talk about more than prayer, heaven, hell, and healing? Finances. Pastor Joe shares from the Word why Jesus placed such an emphasis on this one topic. Why it’s a basic and fundamental part of our Christianity, and a starting point for all other promises.

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Pastor Joe uses the court room to illustrate how the believer has been acquitted of all sin, past, present and future. It’s captivating and inspiring, and most of all liberating to those who have struggled with condemnation and guilt. If you’ve had questions about what righteousness is all about, you will find many answers in this simple but life changing message.

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Are you ready for the seed you’ve sown and the harvest to happen at the same time? Think about it…you sow and reap all at once. That’s abundance, that’s increase, that’s victory in every area of life. That’s what Zechariah 10:1 says, “Ask for rain in the time of latter rain”. God is asking us to ask for MORE. He’s asking us to put a demand on His inexhaustible supply.

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The power to set people free did not end with the cross. It came through the resurrection. As you listen to this message, you will learn to see through the eyes of the Spirit what the resurrection really means in your everyday life. Believers aren’t meant to live just a little bit different than unbelievers. They are meant to live a supernatural life with supernatural results.

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Grace is not "a" way of escape in every trial, it's THE way of escape. It's God's grace that provides an underlying current for you to rest upon, a current that will and will take you out of every trial. He doesn't bring your problems, on the contrary, He carries you out of them.

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When it comes to Biblical prosperity, there are two kinds of Christians…people that are prosperous and know it. and people that are prosperous and don’t know it. Which one are you? God wants us to launch out into the deep regarding our giving, to go beyond and further than ever before. You are going to be so blessed by this message from Pastor Joe as he shares from 2 Corinthians 8:3 (Amplified Classic Bible), and Nehemiah 2:18.

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Jesus Himself said in Matthew 10:34-36 that He was not sent to bring peace on the earth among people. The peace that the angels were praising God for in Luke 2:13-14 was peace between God and man. They were announcing the end of God’s war on sin. Peace now reigns between God and man.

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As you walk with Jesus, there is a burning that happens in your heart when He imparts the Word to you. There is an understanding like no other regarding every day issues and getting along with others. Pastor Joe shares very practical insights as to how to overcome offenses…but first he opens with an update on his first month attending the Global Outreach Program at Charis Bible College.

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Everything that you need is inside of you, in your born again spirit.  There are rivers of living water bubbling within, the power of the Holy Spirit, according to John 7:38.  This message is a word in season, a prophetic message regarding your ability to release the flow of all that's yours into your current situation and into your future.  It's truly powerful.  

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God wants us to listen to His voice, and let go of the fears and things that are trying to obstruct us in the areas that God is specifically speaking to us.  We've put up roadblocks, while at the same time, there is a blessing on the other side waiting for us.  This is a timely word from Pastor Joe for those who are believing God for change in their lives, and the fulfillment of His will.  

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What makes the difference between just knowing God's Word, and experiencing God's Word in your life?  How do you release the favor of God from the inside out?   Excellent questions.  Join Pastor Joe as he shares simple principles in releasing God's favor in your life.

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What does the resurrection mean for us today?  What happened on the cross that will make a difference in our everyday lives?  Pastor Joe shares the answers to these questions and many more powerful truths from God's Word about the risen Christ.  


Join us on this journey through the book of Acts, as Pastor Joe describes how the life of a Christian is remarkably different than people in the world.  We have the same power in us that raised Jesus from the dead for a specific do the works that He did and even greater works through the power of the Holy Spirit.  We are called to live a supernatural life.

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God placed potential on the inside of every one of us for a purpose, to touch others.  There is dormant ability, untapped strengths, and hidden talents in you that are waiting to be developed.  Are you ready to work out what God has worked in to you?  Pastor Joe shares in this life changing message the process of revealing and releasing you in the direction of your destiny.

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Jesus is our Jubilee!  Jesus fulfilled every old testament promise regarding the year of Jubilee, the 50th year on the Jewish calendar when all debts are released, all family members restored, and everything that was stolen or lost was returned.  This is ours now!  In this Vision 2018 message, Pastor Joe opens the scriptures to share these simple but powerful truths in detail.  


We all have relationships, but are they healthy?  Are they godly?  Do you handle conflict the Bible way?  It's possible to have healthy, godly relationships when we follow God's Word and His simple principles for getting along.  We were wired for relationship, it's how we connect, love, build and accomplish.  Pastor Joe shares in this insightful message from God's Word how to truly enjoy the people around you.  


"The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" (which means "God with us") Matthew 1:23.  Enjoy this encouraging Christmas Eve message from Pastor Joe as he reminds us of our covenant with Jesus, who will never leave us or forsake us.  

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How are you with waiting for God's timing? Are you on your time clock and calendar, or on God's?  This is a powerful message for those who want what God has for them, no matter how long it takes.  “My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved.”  Psalm 62:5-6 AMPC

Current Series

Pastor Joe explains these two scriptures in a way that will revolutionize your marriage...“Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God” Ephesians 5:21, and “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband” Ephesians 5:33.

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According to 1 John 1:2, our lives will prosper AS our soul prospers.  What does it mean to have a prosperous soul?  How do we have a prosperous soul?  Great questions!  Find the answers in this series and so much more.  It's time to start clearing the clutter in your mind and learn what God has to say about His plan for your everyday life.  

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The name Benjamin in scripture means "righteous" or "the son of my right hand".  As the children of God, just like Benjamin, we receive five times more than the children of the world.  As our inheritance and as part of our covenant with God, we receive preferential treatment, blessing and increase on every level. (Genesis 43-15)


There is power in partnership!  For example: the same grace that's on the ministry that you sow your seed into, is on you.  This is just one of four benefits of partnership that Pastor Joe shares in this message from Paul's letter to the Philippians.


Within Holy Communion are nuggets of grace galore!  Grace for your health, your future, your forgiveness, your relationships, and your well being in every facet of life.  We are so blessed to have so many principles from God's Word on grace, hidden within communion to remind us of His goodness and love every time we celebrate.


Isaiah 3:10 says, "Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them".  No matter what you're going through right now, there is one thing for sure...according to God's Word, it will end well.  


Pastor Joe shares from Luke 1:24 how Elizabeth hid her pregnancy for five months, then in the sixth month was visited by her cousin Mary and her secret was made known.  This encounter reveals a strategic "preparation and positioning" process that believers experience when waiting to see what they have been praying for.


Shame ties us to our past and sabotages God’s assignment for our lives. The answer to shame is simply Jesus. “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:”. ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3:18‬ ‭KJV‬‬.  A sense of obligation is destructive in any relationship.  Pastor Joe uncovers the hidden characteristics of obligation in our interaction with God.  


You have to release the faith in your heart by saying words out of your mouth.  Everything you receive from God comes as a result of believing and speaking the Word.  We live a Word created and Word dependent life.  Words of faith activate spiritual laws that are as dependable a the law of gravity!  Want to hear more?  Press play!


Explore the seven ways that Jesus bled on the cross, and what each drop of blood did for us, in this riveting Easter Sunday message. 


Phil 2:3-4 says, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”  Pastor Joe defines self-centeredness and gives practical ways to live a life free from self-absorption, making a crisis our of everyday issues, and getting so easily offended.  As a bonus, he gives seven ways a man hurts his wife without even knowing it, and seven ways a woman hurts a her husband.


In Romans 5:15-17, gift mentioned five times.  Pastor Joe encourages believers to learn to receive what God wants to give us in our lives.  What is your response when you are given a gift?  That you have to pay it back or give something in return?  God wants to expand our "outside" to match the destiny that He has placed on the "inside" of each one of us.


Psalm 107:1 says, "O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good and His mercy endures forever".  The word "is" in this statement is the same as an "equal sign" in a mathematical equation. Therefore, you could also say "God = Good".  Pastor Joe gives simple and memorable word pictures on how to lock this concept in your thinking. 


Do you think more about what you don't have than what you do have? Eve had the same issue.  The answer?  Meditate on the Word until it becomes a way of thinking. There's a difference between thinking about a scripture and a way of thinking.  This teaching goes right to the heart and root of how destructive deception can be when we allow it to dominate our thoughts.  


Pastor Joe shares the characteristics of a covenant with God, and the elements of financial increase included in our covenant as Abraham's seed.  


There is one more thing that needs to be fulfilled before Jesus returns...the the supernatural transfer of wealth, a 100-fold harvest on every seed sown.  Wow, what are all the funds for?  To finance a move of God that will sweep the world in various ways and means.  Are you ready?


2017 is the Year to Hear.  According to John 10:27, God is speaking to every believer, and every believer has the ability to hear His voice.  Pastor Joe sets the tone for 2017 by explaining the importance of having a listening ear, and being attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.  

God never intended for us to live our lives by trial and error.  He sent His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth.  Pastor Joe shares with believers a simple understanding of this vital tool to living a victorious life. 

“The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Jesus came to earth to bring abundant life to ALL, not based on our performance, but on God’s overwhelming love for ALL mankind. ”

The Sabbath isn’t a day, it’s a person, and His name is Jesus. He is our Sabbath rest, all day and every day. In the old covenant, we looked up to God to release His blessing. In the new covenant, we bow our heads in prayer and look down to release what’s already on the inside of our born again spirit. We rest in the finished work of the cross.


Miracles are "the intervention of God in the regular course of nature, and always involve people".  So what is our part?  Pastor Joe shares four principles from Mark 5 in this practical and balanced teaching of faith and grace, and what we must do to receive what God has promised.

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Part VII includes a prophecy from Psalm 126 for the remainder of 2014 and into 2015