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Part I - “HEALTH TO ALL YOUR FLESH” Enjoy this powerful message from Pastor Joe about God's Medicine, which is the Word of God. It not only brings healing but brings health to ALL your flesh. Today you will learn how the law of life in Christ Jesus overcomes the law of sin, sickness and death. Just like it did for Danny, as he shares in this brief video below how he was healed miraculously of cyclical vomiting syndrome.
Part II - “HEALING IS THE CHILDREN’S BREAD” - Pastor Joe shares in today's message that healing is a "family right" as a child of God. Jesus said in Matthew 15:26 that healing is the "children's bread". In Exodus 23:25, it says that "he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee". In the Father's house, a child of God, there's bread enough for you, which is healing, and more to spare, which is divine health.
Part III - “EAT AND DRINK YOUR WAY TO LIFE AND HEALTH” - "Eat and Drink Your Way to Life and Health" - In this message learn how to release the God kind of life. A life that is free of disease, illness and pain. How? Through holy communion and feeding on God's Word. Reverse every sickness and every symptom in your body. Get stronger, healthier, and even renew your youth!
Part IV - “EVERY SICKNESS MUST BOW TO JESUS’ NAME” - Philippians 2:10 says “at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth”. Whatever’s troubling you, if it has a name it must bow to the name of Jesus. Cancer must bow to the name of Jesus, poverty must bow, shame must bow. We have a name that is above every other name, the name of Jesus. In this message, you will learn the authority that you have in that name to tell things to go, tell things to come, and that faith is your servant.
Part V - "YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WHOLE" - Learn how grace has already provided everything that you would ever need, including divine health and healing. You HAVE the faith OF God, already in your spirit. In this message, you will see how the woman with a blood disorder heard about Jesus and His grace which opened up the door for her to receive a supernatural miracle through faith. Like Nick, who shares his testimony how speaking the Word removed the obstacles that were hindering him receiving his PhD.
Part VI - "HEALING IS CONTAGIOUS UNDER GRACE AND FAITH" - Under the law, if you came in contact with a person who was a leper, who had an issue of blood, or was dead, you were considered unclean. Under grace and faith, Jesus healed the leper and the woman with the issue of blood and raised the dead. Therefore, under grace and faith, we too are healed and whole and free from destruction and death.
Part VII - "PURSUE THE HEALER AND BE HEALED" - In this powerful message you will learn that Jesus is still called Jehovah Rapha, the Lord your Healer. Hear how, after 38 years of sickness, the paralyzed man at the pool of Bethesda received his miracle. He struggled in his own strength to get into the pool when it was stirred by an angel, but always fell short. But when grace (Jesus) arrived, it was through His Word that gave him the strength to get up and walk.
Part VIII - "RECEIVE THE WORD GOD HAS SENT TO HEAL YOU" - The Bible says "He sent His Word and healed them". So what does God do to heal you, He sends His Word. In this powerful message, learn how Jesus is the Lord of time and space. Jesus sent His Word to a man's son who was at the point of death , miles away, and he was healed. You too can send the Word to a specific place and see people healed and see signs and miracles, because as Jesus is, so are you in this world.
Part IX - "GRACE TO LIVE HEALTHY IN YOUR LATTER YEARS" - Did you know that grace is God's abundant supply for you to live a healthy life as you grow older? Learn how "finishing grace" is available for you to live disease-free and pain-free in your latter years. Job 8:7 says 'Your latter years shall be greater than your former years". If Moses lived to 120 years-old and his eyesight was still good, and his body was still strong under the law, what can God do in your physical body with a better covenant with better promises? Find out now!
"THE GIFT OF NO-CONDEMNATION BRINGS HEALTH AND HEALING" - When Jesus encountered a man born blind from birth, His disciples asked, "Who sinned that this man was born blind?". Jesus said, "No one sinned, but that the works of God can be seen". In this moving message, you will learn that you can be delivered from self-condemnation that erodes your confidence for healing. Through this message of grace, be prepared to be delivered from self-condemnation and be healed.
In this Easter message, Pastor Joe shares how through Jesus' death and resurrection, every believer went from an old and dead way of living to a new and living way. The veil was torn from top to bottom which separated people from God. We now have access into His presence because of what Jesus did for us, without fear, guilt or shame.
Do you know what it means to be loved—to know you are accepted, held, rejoiced over, celebrated, and encouraged, no matter what? If you don't, it's time you did. Pastor Joe's series, Life Foundations is a filled with basic biblical principles that can forever impact your life.
Pastor Joe shares an enlightening message from Galatians 4:1 about our heritage under grace. As believers, we are children of the supernatural, children of promise. Our heritage is by the blood of Jesus, we are of the new covenant. So why would we turn to the law and return to bondage? Good question. Pastor explains why.
It's never too late for the people in your household to be saved and live a life of victory and blessing. The enemy couldn't stop you from being saved, but he will do anything he can to stop your kids or family members from walking in fullness with the Lord. Pastor Joe shares powerful promises for you to stand on regarding what the Word says about your family.
The power to set people free did not end with the cross. It came through the resurrection. As you listen to this message, you will learn to see through the eyes of the Spirit what the resurrection really means in your everyday life. Believers aren’t meant to live just a little bit different than unbelievers. They are meant to live a supernatural life with supernatural results.
Grace is not "a" way of escape in every trial, it's THE way of escape. It's God's grace that provides an underlying current for you to rest upon, a current that will and will take you out of every trial. He doesn't bring your problems, on the contrary, He carries you out of them. How? Through the revelation of the many facets of celebrating of communion.
Jesus’ first words to His disciples after His resurrection was "Peace to you!" Then He showed them the receipt that proved that their peace was bought and paid for...the scars on His hands. With that peace comes everything you could ever want or desire. Pastor Joe shares about that peace in this inspiring and comforting message.
2019: The Year of Great Change…in you! When you became born again, the Lord took up residence on the inside of you and never left. He is with you, in you, and for you. Contrary to those that say that the Holy Spirit leaves when you sin and returns when you are obedient, the Lord will never leave your or forsake you, regardless of your behavior. The blessing of the Lord is on you. Wherever you go, you bring the anointing, the blessing with you…on your job, at your school, in your home. Pastor shares these truths and more in this powerful message.
Continuing in the series, 2019: The Year of Great Change, Pastor Joe brings you on a journey through the Word to the place of "more than enough". A place where a great change begins to take place within, and you are no longer satisfied or comfortable with "just enough".
Leadership is not a position, it's influence. We all have influence, but what kind of influence? Pastor Joe shares the difference in leadership between Saul and David. Saul was the people's choice, David was God's choice. Saul led by the law, David led by grace. What type of influence do you want to have?
Possessing Your Jubilee
The God Who Goes Before You
Jesus is the ultimate Leader, He's the first one in and the last one out of your situation. He's the author and finisher of your faith. He's also the center of it all. WHEN we allow Him that place. In this message, Pastor Joe expounds on Hebrews 12:3, "For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, so that you won't grow weary and lose heart."
Part I - There's a lot of talk out there about what grace is. In this series, Pastor Joe shares seven simple principles about grace to help you understand the basic truths on this topic from God's Word. Part I and Part II are audio only.
Part III - Pastor Joe teaches from Philippians 2:12, 13 like never before in this message called "Grace is not a license to be lazy". What does it mean to work out your salvation with fear and trembling? Does resting in God's grace mean in-activity? He answers these are more.