Grace is My Favorite Teacher

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Titus 2:11-12 “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men…it teaches us”

Do you have a favorite teacher, coach, preacher? Is there one that stands out among the rest? I’ve had some amazing teachers over the years, but the most outstanding teacher I’ve had in my life is grace. Titus 2:11 says that grace has appeared to all men, or all mankind. Appeared speaks of a person and His name is Jesus.

Grace is our teacher. Grace teaches us how to parent our children. Grace teaches us how to love our spouse. Grace teaches us how to budget our money, learn new skills, solve problems, make important decisions, and every other imaginable thing we need to know in life. Grace has appeared to all mankind. Grace is here, right now, for you. You can’t earn it or deserve it. Like a student in a classroom, simply receive it.