You're Not a Mermaid

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Romans 5:19 “For by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man’s obedience many were made righteous“

Imagine taking a walk along the beautiful shores of your favorite lake, then you suddenly fall into the water. Now, does this make you a fish? No, of course not. You’re still a human being. You’re not half fish and half human, or what storybooks and movies call a mermaid! The only difference is that you are wet and out of your element. You simply need to get out of the water and dry off.

Similarly, there are many Christians who have a “mermaid” mentality when it comes to their identity in Christ. The Bible says that when we become born again, we are made righteous by the blood of Jesus. We are 100% righteous. We aren’t half righteous and half sinner. As Christians we sometimes sin, but that doesn’t make us a sinner. Contrary to what is being taught from many pulpits, we are not a “sinner saved by grace”. Jesus became sin for us so that we might be made the righteousness of God. “Sin” was nailed to the cross, past, present and future sin. Praise God!