Open Up Your Christmas Presence

Opening Up Your Christmas Presence - FB.png

Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord”

As a kid, I still remember the excitement of Christmas morning in our home and the anticipation of going downstairs and seeing the stacks of presents. Each one of us five kids had our own stack. We were so blessed and fortunate as children to have such fond memories of Christmas. But as fun as it was to dive into my presents (and I mean REALLY fun), I realize today that there is no presents without HIS presence.

In Luke 2:11, it says “For unto you” a Savior us born, which is Christ the Lord. He is a gift to YOU. As a born-again believer, He is ever present and living in your heart. Life doesn’t get any better than that! In His presence we have fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). Like Joseph in Genesis 39:2, because He is with us, we are successful and prosperous. Not because of what we have but because of Who we have. Jesus, our Savior saved us from sin, sickness, poverty, and a Christless eternity. All of this for YOU. As you open up your Christmas presents today, open up His Christmas “presence” too and enjoy! Merry Christmas!