Grace Partakers

Ephesians 2:8 (Amplified Bible) "For it is by free grace [God's unmerited favor] that you are saved [delivered from judgment] and made partakers of Christ's salvation] through [your] faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God"

When I was growing up, dinner time was a very memorable experience in the Fortunato household, with seven of us at our kitchen table every night.  Every one talking about their day, all genuinely interested in one another, it was something I will never forget. But wait a minute, let's back up to the beginning.  Here's the real memorable part.  We'd all rush to the table, spread bountifully with my mom's good cookin', my father would pray, then it was "every man for himself".  If you wanted to get your fill, you had to just "take it"!

In Ephesians 2:8, Paul said that we have been made partakers of Christ's salvation.  This word salvation is the Greek word sodzo, which means forgiveness, health, prosperity, freedom, protection, defense, and rescue. Notice he says that we have already been made partakers.  Partake means to take or be given a portion, to have a share or part of something, to bite, consume, feast, or swallow.

So, what do I use to partake of the meal that is set before me? Your mouth. That’s how we partake, we use our words.  The more we use our mouth the more we partake. Faith is the fork that brings what already is to our mouth.  2 Corinthians 4:13 says, "We having the same spirit of faith, we believe therefore we speak".  Faith is believing and speaking!  Believe, receive, and say "thank you".  DINNER IS SERVED!