
Psalm 133:1 (The Living Bible) “How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live together in harmony”. 

Online dating services have exploded since the mid 90’s when the first official sites began.  Since then, finding a companion online is no longer “out of the ordinary” as it once was.  It is becoming increasingly common and seems only destined to grow.  In America, over 50 million people from all walks of life have at one time visited an online dating site! 

The commercials for this billion-dollar industry depict happily married couples who have “found” their perfect match, smiling and looking dreamy eyed.  What they don’t show is the morning breath, no make-up, few extra pounds here and there, and the occasional “heated time of fellowship”.  In other words, “Love is blind, but marriage is an eye-opener!”  

Unity in any relationship, family, group or church takes a big amount of a small word called “work”.  But it’s worth it.  Matthew 18:19 says “if two of you shall agree as touching anything…it shall be done”.  The word agree means to harmonize or to “strike a chord.  Psalm 133:3 – “there (in unity), the Lord commanded the blessing”.  

Is it any wonder that the enemy likes to stir up trouble wherever he can?  All he needs is someone who will cooperate, and bang, there goes the unity, answered prayer, AND the blessing.  Don’t let anyone fool you, unity is something that must be intentional, and the pursuit of it must be relentless.  Ephesians 4:3 says “endeavor to keep the unity”, which means to work or labor.  

Years ago, my wife and I desired to purchase an investment property, a condominium in Florida.  We harmonized together, and along came a “God-idea”, and we had the property.  Then God provided a renter who said, “Would it be alright if I paid the whole year’s rent up front?”  I didn’t have to think twice about that one!  God blessed us with $13,000 in one day!  But it all started with harmony and unity!!   

Whether it be in a relationship, on the job, at church, in your neighborhood, at school… the place of agreement is the place of power.  Subscribe to e-unity today, simply go to Psalm 133:1 and make it intentional, and the new normal in your life!